Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Islamic Terrorists' Best Allies

Who are the best allies of Islamic terrorists? We have met that enemy and it is us---Or at least those in the West who: Encourage sexual license---Even with and for young children; Support the destruction of personal and collective discipline under “color of law”; Attack the institutions which was the strength of this land [eg Traditional marriage and families; Traditional Christian Churches' traditional teachings; The severe punishment of crimes---Especially against children and the aged; Constancy in our laws and courts---Where judges should only interpret and execute the laws and do not make them]; Maintain that there is no firm standard of right VS. wrong and that every person is his/her own judge of such---If they even admit that such a concept exists; And, wish the entire concept and practice of religion to be totally removed from the public places, view and hearing as something which is an insult to the “modern humanist human”.

The Islamic preachers are correct in assailing the West, or that part of it described above, as not moral and without the strength to resist men-of-faith, the men-of-Islam. They realize, as too many of us have forgotten, that belief in and worship of a real God, eternal and all-powerful, provides the necessary strength to any real civilization.

To the East of the Atlantic Ocean the “European Disease” of self-indulgent self-satisfaction has taken hold and destroys too much of the power of Western Civilization to resist its own destruction and, I suspect, the primitive-but-forceful power of Islam. Spain, which regained its land and culture from Islam by the use of discipline learned in the Church and battle field up to the year 1492, has thrown away much of its hard earned power, which was based on the internal discipline of traditional families, by recently approving homosexual “marriages” and like perversions into law. The Muslims are beginning their own “reconquest” of a morally degenerate Spain---This time by infiltration rather than military conquest.

In France and The Netherlands, the Muslim minorities have become a real threat to law-and-order even to the point of murdering individuals who disagree with their teachings or burning down a court house in which one of their own was, very properly, convicted of a sexual assault.. In the United Kingdom the leaders of the Islamic community declared that they are not bound by British Law, but only by their own Sharia.

The many thousands of words in the proposed “Constitution” for the European Union make no mention of Christianity as an historical force and strength there.

In the USA such organizations as the ACLU, the “Man-Boy Love Association”, “Move On-Org.” (ie Mr. Soros' slave organization), most of our university and other teachers, many-too-many of our Judges and, I am very sorry to write, too large a part of the Democrat Party all support those forces which are destructive of Western Civilization. It is even horrid to write, but too many of the once traditional churches are defending those anti-civilization positions

Fortunately, many of the American People have understood the degeneration of those once-traditional churches (eg Congregational, Episcopal) and have fled from them to those religious organizations which support nation and human saving teachings.

The Roman Catholic Church is at its lowest point of moral strength since before the Reformation. Its American Bishops stand on an eroding dung heap of “teaching authority” without making any real efforts at climbing the mountain of “teaching responsibility”. They claim the power to manage the affairs of that Church, but have clearly failed to safeguard the children and others so often abused by its priests and others (Especially those bishops) who had a special responsibility to do so. They have, in fact, treated the Church as an “old boys' club” run for the benefit of the bishops and their cronies.

The Orthodox Churches are alas, in spite of their excellent teachings, too few in numbers to have any real impact in the USA. We should attend more to their views of Islam as they have suffered more than the Western Churches from that evil force.

From my Catholic point-of-view, the American Lutherans appear to still be fighting a “holier than thou” war among themselves and do not publicly speak out about the dangers facing all of us from political-militant secular humanism and Islam. (In Northern Europe, the Lutheran and other non-Catholic Churches have lost any social meaning or force they once had.) The United Church of Christ is in disarray over its leadership's approval of gay “marriages”.The old main line churches are losing members to other churches or religious indifference in huge numbers. The Evangelicals seem to be, very properly, focusing on the basics of Christ's teachings; But, also are not addressing the need to defend civilization.

All of the leaders of America's Christian Churches are either ignorant of the dangers from Islam OR are afraid to speak/write on such. The same holds true, for too many of them, as to the “militant secular humanists” and their supporters in the Congress, the Courts and our Universities and other schools (Including some seminaries).

WHAT TO DO NOW? The above should be presented to (And, if necessary, rubbed in the faces of) our religious leaders, government officials (Especially those involved in running or funding public universities and other public schools), the “media” and anyone else having any impact on our nation's thought and laws.

(As always, I refer the reader to the May, 2005 archives and "The True Face Of Islam" which is
on file there.)


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