Tuesday, June 28, 2005

We Have A State Religion

Forget that nonsense that there is a wall of separation between church and state in the USA. We have an official, growing and ever more powerful state religion. That religion is the Law---As made by judges, especially those in our Federal Courts. You think not? Please examine the present and probable future state of the law under our judges as if it were a religion. You will see the religion-of-the-law exposed in the facts.

Our law has a “holy book”, called the Constitution. Our judges claim that they cling to the teachings of that document; But, vary from it as much as did the Catholic and Protestant fanatics of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation varied from the teachings of Jesus Christ when they burned and murdered each other. The “priests” or “mullahs” of that religion are, of course, judges. The “High Priests” are the Supreme Court Justices. Their “dogma” is set in their judgments. Our judges take the clear and simple teachings of the Constitution and subject them to “mystical interpretation” in an effort to make us think that black-is-white, up-is-down and truth-is-lies. They claim to uphold the Constitution's protection of individuals, but allow children, at the point-of-birth, to have their brains sucked out of their little skulls to facilitate abortions---Even when there is no threat to the life of their mothers. They attack the war powers of the President at a time when our nation is in great danger from a new type of war by the attack of terrorists. Those judges claim to only interpret our American Constitution in light of the democratically passed laws of the People's elected representative, but use the legal decisions of foreign nations in their making of laws. They ignore the provision in our Constitution for its amendment and declare that new “rights” exist without the consent of the People. They repeatedly inflict their own social and political judgments and show great disdain for democratically approved laws. They suppress the joined freedom-of-speech and free expression of religion by denying the People to present their religion by such expressions as posting or exhibiting the Ten Commandment or other like symbols on public land. [This last technique is one common to power hungry priest- hoods, which is to do every thing possible to suppress and destroy other religions.].

When the founders of this nation outlined our government in our Constitution, they set a careful balance between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. That balance has been seriously disturbed and the whole structure of our government now is moving towards collapse and the dictatorship of the judicial elite---Who care little for democracy. That balance must be reset. My suggestion to enact the following Amendment to the Constitution, which would give the Congress the power to correct the errors which have infiltrated our society by judicial usurpations.

The Congress of the United States may reverse or nullify any decision of the

Supreme Court of the United States or of the lesser Courts of Appeal by a two-

thirds vote of the member present and voting in either House OR by a simple

majority of the members present and voting in both the Senate and House of

Representatives. The vote of each member of the Congress in such matters is to

be separately recorded and immediately made public. Such matters are to have

priority over all other business of the Congress.

The recording and immediate release is to prevent the members of the Congress from hiding behind the curtain of voice votes. The granting of such matters absolute priority is to prevent such matters from being “buried in committee”..

Simularities: Islam & Secular Humanism

My instinctive thinking has led me to a tentative conclusion that both “Islam” and “militant secular humanism”are dangers to civilization, real religions and humanity. I also realized that there should be some common basis for that threat with,perhaps, more than one issue of similarity. I think I have detected such after my recent reading assignment (1).

The first correlation is that both are based on “instant gratification” of the senses. “Islam”, based on Mohammed's desire for power and sexual gratification by the shortest path possible (ie Kill those who oppose you, take and rape their women, steal their property, ignore “right VS. wrong” in favor of appeals the authority of Allah) has much in common with “militant secular humanism” (ie Use the laws and courts to suppress your opponents, use appeals to democracy to destroy it, deny that there is any meaning to “right VS wrong” and ridicule-and-suppress those teachers and others who hold to firm ethical principles).

The related issue is individual and collective self-discipline. Japan was able to rapidly go into the real and modern world as its people are very disciplined and willing to put off immediate gratification for long term results. This is the basis of their business successes where a bad financial quarterly statement does not bring a revolt of stock holders who know that the hoped-for rewards will come in time. Muslim nations (eg Imperial Turkey) could buy technology, but did not create it. Iraq's horror Hussein built up his military with borrowed technology (Yes, with weapons of mass destruction---Now probably in Syria or Saudi Arabia or Iran), but lacked the creativity to develop weapons which would counter the superiority of the West.

The next correlation is in the matter of the creation of knowledge and wealth. “Islam” is based on a predatory, bandit society which existed on plunder and rapine for too many years to change. For a short time, the fictional “golden age of Islam”, Muslims rode on the creativity of the ancient peoples of India, Persia, Iraq and Egypt. But, they created nothing and have fallen behind in an increasingly technological age---Except for what they steal or borrow from others. On a land basis they, for example, took the “land of milk and honey” and converted it into a desert, which it remained until the Jews founded the State of Israel and began to re-green the land. The modern secular humanists are parasites living off the cultural inheritance of a 1000-years of cultural, economic, scientific and social development. Perhaps, this is why the real thrust of scientific and business development passed to the USA and, if we are not careful in avoiding the “European disease” of secular humanism, will pass to Japan, China and India.

In short, both Islam and secular humanism are empty and void, lacking creativity,

self-discipline and usefulness in either the modern world or for-the-ages.

    1. Trifkovic, Serge; The Sword Of The Prophet; Islam, history, theology, impact on the world;

      Regina Orthodox Press; Boston, MA, USA; 2002; ISBN 1-928653-11-1.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

A Very, Very, Important Book On Islam

I bring to your very special, immediate and close attention the following book:

The Sword Of The Prophet: Islam—history, theology, impact on the world
Trifkovic, Serge
Regina Orthodox Press
Boston, MA, USA; 2002 ***

This is not an easy book. Even though I am an avid reader of history books, some of them of a difficult nature, with this history I find it necessary to frequently stop in mid-chapter to assess what I have read. Even though I have read many books and articles as to Islam, this work brought new revelations and points-of-view. This is not a “politically correct” discussion of Islam and related subjects as it shows all of the “warts” and basic wrongness of both Islam and its founder, Mohammed. The author, out of fairness, notes the shortcomings of many in the West, including those Crusaders who forgot the principles of Christianity and both attacked their Orthodox brothers and were involved in the one, great, Crusader massacre of innocents (As opposed to many more such crimes inflicted on Jews, Christians and others by Muslims) at Jerusalem. Due to the graphic nature of the descriptions of Mohammed's sexual life and other like matters this is NOT a book for children.

This book clearly shows the great gap between other religions and Islam, with the latter's commitment to: Aggressive war; Rape and other sexual perversions; Retail murder; Robbery; Enslavement and mutilation of others; Its special mistreatment of Blacks and women; The destruction of cultures; And, all those other forms of terrorism which are necessarily an inseparable part of the Islamic prime principle and mandatory duty of jihad.

Also and clearly demonstrated is the pre-conquest technique used by Muslims to mislead others in thinking that there is some essential difference between “militant Muslims” and all others of that “faith”. There is no difference at all! All believing Muslims must comply with every commandment of Allah (As given by Mohammed). They are and must either be actively engaged in military jihad or support it by contributions or attempt to subvert others by the misinformation noted in this paragraph. [If you have already, in whole or in part, accepted or surrendered to this subversion-by-misinformation, that Islam is only “just another monotheist religion”, then this book will disabuse you of that position and, perhaps, make you ashamed if you have taught or transmitted that error to others---Especially children or students or those otherwise subject to your authority.]


Whether or not you agree with the author of this book or with me as to this subject, I am asking you, out of a sense of fairness and intellectual honesty, to forward this essay to anyone who has a duty (Please see the lists of such persons below) or interest as relates to the subject material of this work.


I have, below, attempted a rational division of those who should read, digest and understand this book. For the most part, those persons or role-holders listed have an absolute duty to do so and would be fully unworthy of their positions if they failed to do so.

ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS: The presidents and prime ministers of all democracies; Vice-Presidents or equivalent persons; All members of the congresses or parliaments of democratic nations; And, those persons who advise such officials as to international affairs, terrorism, immigration and domestic law enforcement and security.

APPOINTED CIVIL OFFICIALS: Those members of national “cabinets” or department heads who have special responsibilities for diplomacy, national security, immigration, and internal law enforcement; Their deputies; And, their advisers.

Ambassadors to such nations as have an Muslim majority or large minority or those nations bordering on such or to such nations as France and The Netherlands which have had and still have very serious problems with their Muslim minorities.

Judges, who may have jurisdiction over relevant cases, should also read it as a primary and relevant text---Which is allowable in our and most law systems.

MILITARY OFFICIALS: Every officer with the rank of Navy Captain or Colonel or higher; Advisers to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the USA or equivalent organizations in other nations; Teachers at “war colleges” or “staff colleges”; And, teachers of history, strategy and like subjects at all military schools such as West Point or Sandhurst.

RELIGIOUS LEADERS: All Christian ministers-of-religion including, but not limited to, the Pope, Patriarchs, Bishops, Pastors, Evangelists, lay-ministers and the advisers for all of these persons; All teachers of the Christian religion, whose students range from very young children to the most advanced theology scholars; And, publishers, editors and authors of religious magazines, newspapers and journals and their broadcast equivalents.

I would add those leaders of the Jewish and Hindu religions---But, they are much more aware of the evils of Islam than, I hope, we ever will be. The leaders of other religious groups should also read this book.

GENERAL MEDIA PERSONS: The publishers and editors of all general circulation and appropriate specialized newspapers, magazines and their radio and TV equivalents; All reporters whose “beat” is concerned with international affairs, national defense, internal security, immigration, terrorism, religion and related subjects; And, the “talking heads” who appear on TV and their radio equivalents, as well as their writers and advisers.

OTHER TEACHERS: Any teacher or professor whose duties or “hobby horse” involves teaching, from primary school through the most advanced , post-graduate, university programs in any of the areas listed as duties for appointed civil officials above have a moral and intellectual duty to read, understand and use the materials contained in this book---Even if you disagree with such or present opposing views.

BLACKS: Those who have a very special interest in and hatred of slavery should be aware of the approved place of enslavement in Islam and its ongoing use in many such places as the Sudan---As documented in this book.

WOMEN: If you are female and would like being valued at no more than one-half of any male and also valued only as a sexual object, you may ignore this book and hope for the world wide success of Islam. Otherwise, read, ponder and act.

OTHER PERSONS: You---If you wish to be a truly educated citizen.


If your local book seller can not or will not provide you with this work, you might try your local Orthodox Church, if any, or contact Regina Orthodox Press via the Internet (You might wish to order their excellent catalog) or by telephone:
In the USA (Only) 1-800-636-2470
International Calls Access USA & 1-978-463-0730


If you have read this far, I admire your honesty and offer you my thanks.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Second Fall Of Spain

On 30 April 711 Islamic forces invaded Visigothic Spain, a land whose leadership had fallen into the worst combination of greed, immorality, sexual perversion and licence, all aggravted by a great lack of self-disipline. It did not take the Moors, and the Arabs who followed them, to conquer most of the Iberian peninsula as there was no moral strength left in that land.

The Moors and Arabs were expelled from Iberia only after its basic residents learned disipline through the moral teachings of the Catholic Church and the rigors of many battlefields.

Today's Spainards have, for the large part, fallen into the same state as their Visigothic forerunners. They have caught the "European disease" of secular humanism, which denies that there is any "right VS. wrong" in human behavior. Spain is likely to approve "homosexual marriage" and to allow such perverts to adopt innocent children. The culture of self-satisfaction has all but overcome what was a self-and-collectively disiplined nation, with a sound basis in community, morality and family. Too many Spaniards have, like too many in other nations, lost the ability to know the difference between liberty and self-distructive licence.

The followers of Mohammed, whos simple "faith" (As based on genocide, aggressive war, retail murder, robbery, rape and other forms of terrorism) does allow for much more disipline than does "secular humanism". In France Muslims burnt down a court house in which one of their rapists was convicted of that horrid crime and otherwise have no regard for what remains of French culture, civilization and law. In England they have declared that they are not bound by British law; But, only by their own Sharia.

In Spain "they" have again built mosques where, if what has occured in all other Western nations, Saudi trained "clerics" will be preaching armed jihad against all non-Muslims and will be raising money and other support for Islamic terrorism throughout the world. Spain has already tasted its own "9/11"; But, seems to be under the illusion that most Muslims disapprove of such actions.

In Spain "they" have requested (Demanded?) the return of buildings once mosques but now churches. For the time being the Spanish have refused to do so.

Muslims in Spain, as well as the USA and other places, have discovered that invasion can be begun by infiltration and subversion as well as by more overt means.

If Spain again falls to the followers of that pseudo-prophet Mohammed, it will be because the Spainards have been self-defeated by self-corruption AND that they have failed to learn from history and are condemned to repeat it.

If we, in the USA, fall to the same conbination of secular humanism and Islam it will be for the same reasons.

(As always, check the archives for the May, 2005 posting "The True Face Of Islam"!)

Sunday, June 12, 2005

1492---A Very Good Year

"In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue ......" is the begining of a poem, the only lines known by most. That was a very good thing as it led, fairly directly, to the destruction of the Aztec "culture", a death cult based on the flaying alive (An Aztec priest was not really dressed if not wearing such a fresh skin) of many thousands of victims and the cutting out, while the victims were alive, of the hearts of many thousands or tens-of-thousands more. It should be noted that the Spanish had the enthusiastic cooperation of the Aztec's neighbors, who were the souce of those victims. Even though the Spanish violated the standards set by the Christ in further dealings with the Native Americans, the net gain of removal of the Aztec murder culture and the eventual benifits of Western science and arts allowed a net gain in the transaction.

However, for Spain the real meaning of the year 1492 was the expulsion of the last of the Mohammedan invaders from that land. I think the Spanish realized that such an act was necessary to preserve Western civilization and culture (Based on the Christian religion at that time) from "islamic" physical attacks and subversion. It is possible or probable that the Spanish did not think in those terms at that time. Perhaps, they thought that one more region striving for automity would be too much a strain on nation building (It still is). Perhaps, they had other concepts which we no longer are able or willing to understand.

In any case, 1492 really denotes the first general victory of resistance to the "muslim" conquests based on the Koran's teachings of: Aggressive war to spead that ideology; Genocide;
Robbery; Retail murder; Rape of female captives; And, all of the horrors which, to this day in such places as the Sudan, are the true fruits of "islam".

Even today, orthodox "muslim" teaching is that Spain, Greece, Sicily and other lands ever ruled by "muslims" must return to that rule.

Perhaps, the modern Spaniard has forgotten that and the lessons of history. Even today, the small "muslim" minority which (For reasons which excape me) have been allowed to settle in Spain are beginning to make "requests" (ie Demands) to have old Mosques (Many now Christian church buildings) returned to them. The present Spanish government is dominatied by aggressive secular humanists who are attempting to destroy Christianity out of arrogant ignorance that to do so is to leave that nation (And, Europe) more open to "islamic" conquest. The French are beginning to learn about that conquest-by-subversion in Paris and other cities where the "muslim" population cares not for French law or Western civilization.

The Spanish of that time, as opposed to the blind ones of today, realized that "Muslims" are loyal only to "Islam" and can not be expected to show or hold any loyality to a nation.

I think that the same holds true to "Muslims" in the USA.

I wonder if we in the USA are capable of learning from the history of "islamic" subversion and conquest. Perhaps, we need a "1492".


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Jesus Christ & Swords

Some Christian pacifists would have you believe that Jesus the Christ was of their limp wristed

nature and against all violence. They forget His whipping the money changers out of the Temple. They rely on his “turning the other cheek” instructions, a quote taken well out of historical and social context. At his time (As was the case through out history and, in many places, still is) a blow to the face was a “deadly” insult, which many cultures required or now still require either instant and abject apology or a blood price in return. Jesus was correct in maintaining that an insult was not cause to kill or injure another person.

Some of those irrational persons also rely on Jesus' instructions, just before he was taken into custody, to “put up your sword” as some sort of pacifistic guideline. That is not the case as Jesus was protecting his followers whose one sword would only provoke the armed mob which came to take him prisoner. It is also the case that Jesus' arrest, torture, death and resurrection was necessary for the salvation of all humanity.

I do not recall any statement of the Christ requiring his followers to accept death or great bodily injury for his cause.

In fact, Jesus' general instructions to his followers, before sending them out on a mission, are contained in Luke, Chapter-22, Verses 35 through 38, TO WIT:

ABOUAT ME HAS ITS FULFILLMENT.” And, they said, here are two
swords.” And He said unto them, “THEY ARE SUFFICIENT.””

[The quote from Luke's Gospel is from the Peshitta New Testament, a new Aramaic-to-English
translation; Aramaic being the common language of the Holy Land in Jesus' time.]

What then, was the meaning and value of swords in Christ's time? They were, in fact, the ultimate in personal weapons. They required much more of that then semi-precious metal steel than did daggers, or maces or spear heads or axes. They required very, very, much more skill in construction than those other weapons of that time. They were the AK-47s or AR-15s of that time. If you are one of those persons who prefer a Bible using modern terminology, just substitute “AK-47(s) for the term “sword(s)” in the above verses.

The Christ knew that there were bandits and other hateful people who might attempt to injure or kill his followers and He did not fail to advise them to be prepared to protect themselves. Perhaps, we should now take his advise as there are people who would and do injure or kill the followers of Jesus.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

And Now, Secular Humanism

For now, I have written enough about Islam. Now for some views about secular humanism. First, we will deal with the Courts as agents of the religion of secular humanism.


Forget that nonsense that there is a wall of separation between church and state in the USA. We have an official, growing and ever more powerful state religion. That religion is the Law---As made by judges, especially those in our Federal Courts. You think not? Please examine the present and probable future state of the law under our judges as if it were a religion. You will see the religion-of-the-law exposed in the facts.
Our law has a “holy book”, called the Constitution. Our judges claim that they cling to the teachings of that document; But, vary from it as much as did the Catholic and Protestant fanatics of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation varied from the teachings of Jesus Christ when they burned and murdered each other. The “priests” or “mullahs” of that religion are, of course, judges. The “High Priests” are the Supreme Court Justices. Their “dogma” is set in their judgments. Our judges take the clear and simple teachings of the Constitution and subject them to “mystical interpretation” in an effort to make us think that black-is-white, up-is-down and truth-is-lies. They claim to uphold the Constitution's protection of individuals, but allow children, at the point-of-birth, to have their brains sucked out of their little skulls to facilitate abortions---Even when there is no threat to the life of their mothers. They attack the war powers of the President at a time when our nation is in great danger from a new type of war by the attack of terrorists. Those judges claim to only interpret our American Constitution in light of the democratically passed laws of the People's elected representative, but use the legal decisions of foreign nations in their making of laws. They ignore the provision in our Constitution for its amendment and declare that new “rights” exist without the consent of the People. They repeatedly inflict their own social and political judgments and show great disdain for democratically approved laws. They suppress the joined freedom-of-speech and free expression of religion by denying the People to present their religion by such expressions as posting or exhibiting the Ten Commandment or other like symbols on public land. [This last technique is one common to power hungry priest- hoods, which is to do every thing possible to suppress and destroy other religions.].

When the founders of this nation outlined our government in our Constitution, they set a careful balance between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. That balance has been seriously disturbed and the whole structure of our government now is moving towards collapse and the dictatorship of the judicial elite---Who care little for democracy. That balance must be reset. My suggestion to enact the following Amendment to the Constitution, which would give the Congress the power to correct the errors which have infiltrated our society by judicial usurpations.

The Congress of the United States may reverse or nullify any decision of the
Supreme Court of the United States or of the lesser Courts of Appeal by a two-
thirds vote of the member present and voting in either House OR by a simple
majority of the members present and voting in both the Senate and House of
Representatives. The vote of each member of the Congress in such matters is to
be separately recorded and immediately made public. Such matters are to have
priority over all other business of the Congress.

The recording and immediate release is to prevent the members of the Congress from hiding behind the curtain of voice votes. The granting of such matters absolute priority is to prevent such matters from being “buried in committee”.

Another Point-Of-View: Jihad

Pan Onufry Zagloba, who wrote The True Face Of Islam is not the only person who has such a view of Islam and Jihad. Please see the following, "fair use", item.

The Ugly History of Jihad
By Daniel Pipes
FrontPageMagazine.com | May 31, 2005In his just-released, absorbing, and excellent book, Understanding Jihad (University of California Press), David Cook of Rice University dismisses the low-grade debate that has raged since 9/11 over the nature of jihad – whether it is a form of offensive warfare or (more pleasantly) a type of moral self-improvement.Cook dismisses as “pathetic and laughable” John Esposito’s contention that jihad refers to “the effort to lead a good life.” Throughout history and at present, Cook definitively establishes, the term primarily means “warfare with spiritual significance.”His achievement lies in tracing the evolution of jihad from Muhammad to Osama, following how the concept has changed through fourteen centuries. This summary does not do justice to Cook’s extensive research, prolific examples, and thoughtful analysis, but even a thumbnail sketch suggests jihad’s evolution.

The Koran invites Muslims to give their lives in exchange for assurances of paradise.
The Hadith (accounts of Muhammad’s actions and personal statements) elaborate on the Koran, providing specific injunctions about treaties, pay, booty, prisoners, tactics, and much else. Muslim jurisprudents then wove these precepts into a body of law.

Muhammad’s conquests: During his years in power, the prophet engaged in an average of nine military campaigns a year, or one every 5-6 weeks; thus did jihad help define Islam from its very dawn. Conquering and humiliating non-Muslims was a main feature of the prophet’s jihad.

The Arab conquests and after: During the first several centuries of Islam, “the interpretation of jihad was unabashedly aggressive and expansive.” After the conquests subsided, non-Muslims hardly threatened and Sufi notions of jihad as self-improvement developed in complement to the martial meaning.

The Crusades, the centuries-long European effort to control the Holy Land, gave jihad a new urgency and prompted what Cook calls the “classical” theory of jihad. Finding themselves on the defensive led to a hardening of Muslim attitudes.

The Mongol invasions of the thirteenth century subjugated much of the Muslim world, a catastrophe only partially mitigated by the Mongols’ nominal conversion to Islam. Some thinkers, Ibn Taymiya (d. 1328) in particular, came to distinguish between true and false Muslims; and to give jihad new prominence by judging the validity of a person’s faith according to his willingness to wage jihad.

Nineteenth century “purification jihads” took place in several regions against fellow Muslims. The most radical and consequential of these was the Wahhabis' jihad in Arabia. Drawing on Ibn Taymiya, they condemned most non-Wahhabi Muslims as infidels (kafirs) and waged jihad against them.

European imperialism inspired jihadi resistance efforts, notably in India, the Caucasus, Somalia, Sudan, Algeria, and Morocco, but all in the end failed. This disaster meant new thinking was needed.

Islamist new thinking began in Egypt and India in the 1920s but jihad acquired its contemporary quality of radical offensive warfare only with the Egyptian thinker Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966). Qutb developed Ibn Taymiya’s distinction between true and false Muslims to deem non-Islamists to be non-Muslims and then declare jihad on them. The group that assassinated Anwar El-Sadat in 1981 then added the idea of jihad as the path to world domination.

The anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan led to the final step (so far) in this evolution. In Afghanistan, for the first time, jihadis assembled from around the world to fight on behalf of Islam. Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian, became the theorist of global jihad in the 1980s, giving it an unheard-of central role, judging each Muslim exclusively by his contribution to jihad, and making jihad the salvation of Muslims and Islam. Out of this quickly came suicide terrorism and bin Laden.

Cook’s erudite and timely study has many implications, including these:

  • The current understanding of jihad is more extreme than at any prior time in Islamic history.
  • This extremism suggests that the Muslim world is going through a phase, one that must be endured and overcome, comparable to analogously horrid periods in Germany, Russia, and China.
  • Jihad having evolved steadily until now, doubtless will continue to do so in the future.
  • The excessive form of jihad currently practiced by al-Qaeda and others could, Cook semi-predicts, lead to its “decisive rejection” by a majority of Muslims. Jihad then could turn into a non-violent concept.

The great challenge for moderate Muslims (and their non-Muslim allies) is to make that rejection come about, and with due haste.