Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Simularities: Islam & Secular Humanism

My instinctive thinking has led me to a tentative conclusion that both “Islam” and “militant secular humanism”are dangers to civilization, real religions and humanity. I also realized that there should be some common basis for that threat with,perhaps, more than one issue of similarity. I think I have detected such after my recent reading assignment (1).

The first correlation is that both are based on “instant gratification” of the senses. “Islam”, based on Mohammed's desire for power and sexual gratification by the shortest path possible (ie Kill those who oppose you, take and rape their women, steal their property, ignore “right VS. wrong” in favor of appeals the authority of Allah) has much in common with “militant secular humanism” (ie Use the laws and courts to suppress your opponents, use appeals to democracy to destroy it, deny that there is any meaning to “right VS wrong” and ridicule-and-suppress those teachers and others who hold to firm ethical principles).

The related issue is individual and collective self-discipline. Japan was able to rapidly go into the real and modern world as its people are very disciplined and willing to put off immediate gratification for long term results. This is the basis of their business successes where a bad financial quarterly statement does not bring a revolt of stock holders who know that the hoped-for rewards will come in time. Muslim nations (eg Imperial Turkey) could buy technology, but did not create it. Iraq's horror Hussein built up his military with borrowed technology (Yes, with weapons of mass destruction---Now probably in Syria or Saudi Arabia or Iran), but lacked the creativity to develop weapons which would counter the superiority of the West.

The next correlation is in the matter of the creation of knowledge and wealth. “Islam” is based on a predatory, bandit society which existed on plunder and rapine for too many years to change. For a short time, the fictional “golden age of Islam”, Muslims rode on the creativity of the ancient peoples of India, Persia, Iraq and Egypt. But, they created nothing and have fallen behind in an increasingly technological age---Except for what they steal or borrow from others. On a land basis they, for example, took the “land of milk and honey” and converted it into a desert, which it remained until the Jews founded the State of Israel and began to re-green the land. The modern secular humanists are parasites living off the cultural inheritance of a 1000-years of cultural, economic, scientific and social development. Perhaps, this is why the real thrust of scientific and business development passed to the USA and, if we are not careful in avoiding the “European disease” of secular humanism, will pass to Japan, China and India.

In short, both Islam and secular humanism are empty and void, lacking creativity,

self-discipline and usefulness in either the modern world or for-the-ages.

    1. Trifkovic, Serge; The Sword Of The Prophet; Islam, history, theology, impact on the world;

      Regina Orthodox Press; Boston, MA, USA; 2002; ISBN 1-928653-11-1.


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