Monday, October 31, 2005

The Division Of The USA & Judge Alito

In an unseemly rush to judgment and attack there are those who have already begun to claim that Judge Samuel Alito, if confirmed as a Justice of our Supreme Court, would “divide the nation”. The USA is already divided beyond the ability of any one person to increase or further define that division.

It is divided between those people who believe that: There is a difference between good and evil and those who think such divisions are outdated and, perhaps, the product of unreasonable religious beliefs; There are just wars and those who have forgotten about Nazi death camps, the “rape of Nanking” and the forced use of women and girls in Japanese military brothels and assert that all wars are unjust; That the “free exercise of religion” and free speech guaranteed by our Constitution allows citizens, as both individuals and groups, to publicly proclaim their Faith in public places (By word or symbols) VS. those who argue that there should be NO public proclamation of religion in any place or at any time; That homosexual acts are physically-and-morally unhealthy for both the individual and the community against those who, for whatever reason, are “pushing the homosexual agenda and life-style”; That the USA has a natural right to choose who comes into this nation VS. those persons who would fully open our borders to any disease bearing, drug smuggling or other person wishing to begin life here as a criminal; That the media should truthfully report the news without bias against those who see nothing wrong in reporting lies as news with such bias as they can, for themselves only, justify for what they, alone, see as the common good; The 1500-year history of rape, genocide, retail murder and other crimes-against-humanity which is typical of Muslims' actions against others, to this very day, justifies the condemnation of their ideology against those who maintain that Islam is “only just another religion”; It is the cultural and moral tradition of the Jews and Christians which has lifted up Western Civilization in opposition to those who hold that such is not true and that the Judeo-Christian heritage has no place in the “modern” world; That the Courts have no right to establish new “rights” under and protected by our Constitution as that is reserved to the People by the constitutional process of amending that sacred document, a view opposed by those who use and mis-use “tame judges” to preempt the authority of the People and their elected representatives and allow or encourage them to “make laws”---Even if such actions are in violation of constitutions and the constitutional laws of our States and of the USA; AND, too many other and like differences to list here.

My real question is, “Which side are you on?”!


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