I bring to your very special, immediate and close attention the following book:
The Sword Of The Prophet: Islam—history, theology, impact on the world
Trifkovic, Serge
Regina Orthodox Press
Boston, MA, USA; 2002 ***
This is not an easy book. Even though I am an avid reader of history books, some of them of a difficult nature, with this history I find it necessary to frequently stop in mid-chapter to assess what I have read. Even though I have read many books and articles as to Islam, this work brought new revelations and points-of-view. This is not a “politically correct” discussion of Islam and related subjects as it shows all of the “warts” and basic wrongness of both Islam and its founder, Mohammed. The author, out of fairness, notes the shortcomings of many in the West, including those Crusaders who forgot the principles of Christianity and both attacked their Orthodox brothers and were involved in the one, great, Crusader massacre of innocents (As opposed to many more such crimes inflicted on Jews, Christians and others by Muslims) at Jerusalem. Due to the graphic nature of the descriptions of Mohammed's sexual life and other like matters this is NOT a book for children.
This book clearly shows the great gap between other religions and Islam, with the latter's commitment to: Aggressive war; Rape and other sexual perversions; Retail murder; Robbery; Enslavement and mutilation of others; Its special mistreatment of Blacks and women; The destruction of cultures; And, all those other forms of terrorism which are necessarily an inseparable part of the Islamic prime principle and mandatory duty of jihad.
Also and clearly demonstrated is the pre-conquest technique used by Muslims to mislead others in thinking that there is some essential difference between “militant Muslims” and all others of that “faith”. There is no difference at all! All believing Muslims must comply with every commandment of Allah (As given by Mohammed). They are and must either be actively engaged in military jihad or support it by contributions or attempt to subvert others by the misinformation noted in this paragraph. [If you have already, in whole or in part, accepted or surrendered to this subversion-by-misinformation, that Islam is only “just another monotheist religion”, then this book will disabuse you of that position and, perhaps, make you ashamed if you have taught or transmitted that error to others---Especially children or students or those otherwise subject to your authority.]
Whether or not you agree with the author of this book or with me as to this subject, I am asking you, out of a sense of fairness and intellectual honesty, to forward this essay to anyone who has a duty (Please see the lists of such persons below) or interest as relates to the subject material of this work.
I have, below, attempted a rational division of those who should read, digest and understand this book. For the most part, those persons or role-holders listed have an absolute duty to do so and would be fully unworthy of their positions if they failed to do so.
ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS: The presidents and prime ministers of all democracies; Vice-Presidents or equivalent persons; All members of the congresses or parliaments of democratic nations; And, those persons who advise such officials as to international affairs, terrorism, immigration and domestic law enforcement and security.
APPOINTED CIVIL OFFICIALS: Those members of national “cabinets” or department heads who have special responsibilities for diplomacy, national security, immigration, and internal law enforcement; Their deputies; And, their advisers.
Ambassadors to such nations as have an Muslim majority or large minority or those nations bordering on such or to such nations as France and The Netherlands which have had and still have very serious problems with their Muslim minorities.
Judges, who may have jurisdiction over relevant cases, should also read it as a primary and relevant text---Which is allowable in our and most law systems.
MILITARY OFFICIALS: Every officer with the rank of Navy Captain or Colonel or higher; Advisers to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the USA or equivalent organizations in other nations; Teachers at “war colleges” or “staff colleges”; And, teachers of history, strategy and like subjects at all military schools such as West Point or Sandhurst.
RELIGIOUS LEADERS: All Christian ministers-of-religion including, but not limited to, the Pope, Patriarchs, Bishops, Pastors, Evangelists, lay-ministers and the advisers for all of these persons; All teachers of the Christian religion, whose students range from very young children to the most advanced theology scholars; And, publishers, editors and authors of religious magazines, newspapers and journals and their broadcast equivalents.
I would add those leaders of the Jewish and Hindu religions---But, they are much more aware of the evils of Islam than, I hope, we ever will be. The leaders of other religious groups should also read this book.
GENERAL MEDIA PERSONS: The publishers and editors of all general circulation and appropriate specialized newspapers, magazines and their radio and TV equivalents; All reporters whose “beat” is concerned with international affairs, national defense, internal security, immigration, terrorism, religion and related subjects; And, the “talking heads” who appear on TV and their radio equivalents, as well as their writers and advisers.
OTHER TEACHERS: Any teacher or professor whose duties or “hobby horse” involves teaching, from primary school through the most advanced , post-graduate, university programs in any of the areas listed as duties for appointed civil officials above have a moral and intellectual duty to read, understand and use the materials contained in this book---Even if you disagree with such or present opposing views.
BLACKS: Those who have a very special interest in and hatred of slavery should be aware of the approved place of enslavement in Islam and its ongoing use in many such places as the Sudan---As documented in this book.
WOMEN: If you are female and would like being valued at no more than one-half of any male and also valued only as a sexual object, you may ignore this book and hope for the world wide success of Islam. Otherwise, read, ponder and act.
OTHER PERSONS: You---If you wish to be a truly educated citizen.
If your local book seller can not or will not provide you with this work, you might try your local Orthodox Church, if any, or contact Regina Orthodox Press via the Internet (You might wish to order their excellent catalog) or by telephone:
In the USA (Only) 1-800-636-2470
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If you have read this far, I admire your honesty and offer you my thanks.